Chers visiteurs RentMen, BrianFord a choisi de répondre à 16 questions d'entretien qui ont été %si%mises à jour pour la dernière fois le 23 Feb 2020


  • Racontez-nous un peu plus sur vous, si vous devriez choisir quelque chose que vous voudriez que les autres sachent absolument sur vous que serait-elle?
    I am always in the process of rejecting guilt and shame, the two most damaging human tendencies I can think of.
  • Quels sont vos passe-temps, qu'est-ce que vous aimez faire dans votre temps libre?
    tennis, illustration, superhero movies, the gym, chilling in nature, sex, more sex, reading, road trips.
  • Quel est ‘L'effort Supplémentaire’ que vous faites dans votre vie?
    I put my mind into it, my back into it, try to remember there are humans in the room, and smile a lot.
  • Que faites-vous pour vous amuser?
    I read, draw, listen to a wildly eclectic music selection, write, get dumb with my pals, work out, and meditate.
  • Racontez-nous la meilleure expérience que vous avez jamais eue.
    Well this is a huge question. I'd say the arch of growing into my own as a writer. It's my first love.
  • Qu'est-ce qui vous distingue de toutes les autres personnes que vous connaissez?
    There are so many hot and fun and exciting guys. As for me, I'm known for being a nice, friendly, good person who isn't too caught up in forcing a sexy persona. I'm just me and that seems to work.
  • Que diriez-vous sont vos plus grands attributs et/ou spécialité/s/?
    Versatile communicator. I can chat like a pro and listen well. I'm fun but substantive. I think enjoying each others' company is the point here.
  • Quelle est votre «Niche»?
    I may look on the youngish side, but I have been around the block enough that all the locals wave hi at me. I'm a pig your family would love.
  • À quelle fréquence voyagiez-vous? Préférez-vous voyager ou êtes-vous plutôt casanier?
    I like to travel. I don't do so enough and have many destinations to see for the first time or again... Berlin, Madrid, Paris, Rio, Montreal, San Fran, SD, PS, Fort Lauderdale/Miami, Atlanta, and a cruise to Alaska please. As for locally, traveling is my general preference. go-go-go.
  • Quel régime alimentaire et de remise en forme suivez-vous?
    I love endorphins, and do hit the gym often, but I'm not a fanatic. I eat well, and like food, but calories counting makes me crazy. If I can't eat junk food now and then, i might as well not be alive.
  • Quelles sont les particularités de votre mode de vie qui fait de vous la personne que vous êtes?
    Creativity cranks my knobs. I have an amazing sex life. I spend a lot of time alone, because I like it. Kids and dogs love me, which is the best compliment.
  • Que voudriez-vous que vos lecteurs sashent sur vous qui est unique et même un peu personnel?
    I was a shy and nervous kid, and my adult life is dedicated to shaking all that off and honoring that crazy little dude I used to be.
  • Si nous nous asseyions sur la plage à boire du vin et à déguster des gourmandises juste toi et moi, que me dirais-tu de toi-même et de ta vie?
    That how i communicate vibrationally with the world and universe and all those around me is way more important in my eyes than worldly details.
  • Qu'est-ce que les autres devraient absolument savoir sur vous?
    I'm not too, too serious about the simple activities that people do together. I think we're supposed to be having fun all along. Honest, energetic (like the Energizer Bunny), not jealous, not easily shocked. Only ever irritated when my time is getting wasted.
  • Qu'est-ce que vous aimez le plus chez vous?
    I am good to people. I talk to dogs when they pass by. I stand up for the little guys. I look younger than I am. I am good with words.
  • Quelles sont les 5 choses dont vous ne pouvez pas vous passer?
    pens/blank paper (because I'm an illustrator... some of them are fun, dirty pix)
    my brown leather bomber jacket... it is somewhere between Top Gun and the Fonz
    a Netflix subscription and MSNBC, because porn can't be on all the time
    durable, soft, stretchy cockrings
    making out (with either a hot mouth or the other end)