Chers visiteurs RentMen, LatinBeerCanNYC a choisi de répondre à 16 questions d'entretien qui ont été %si%mises à jour pour la dernière fois le 06 Aug 2022


  • Racontez-nous un peu plus sur vous, si vous devriez choisir quelque chose que vous voudriez que les autres sachent absolument sur vous que serait-elle?
    I have been from the worst to the best situations in life. I’m not perfect nor is anyone. Forgiveness is always an option in my heart.
  • Si nous nous asseyions sur la plage à boire du vin et à déguster des gourmandises juste toi et moi, que me dirais-tu de toi-même et de ta vie?
    I would say that you can tell me anything you want. I would say that I don’t judge anyone and that you can tell me anything you want because I am trustworthy and would always listen and if I can help, to count on me.
  • Quelles sont les 5 choses dont vous ne pouvez pas vous passer?
    Ice cream
    Other people
  • Quels sont vos passe-temps, qu'est-ce que vous aimez faire dans votre temps libre?
    Partying and having fun! Although going out to museums, traveling abroad, new and different experiences are always a hobby I look forward to.
  • Quel est ‘L'effort Supplémentaire’ que vous faites dans votre vie?
    Completing accomplishments! Working 110% and making sure your tasks are complete. Not only mentioning your dreams, but making them a reality.
  • Que faites-vous pour vous amuser?
    Parties! Socialize, go out for a run, restaurants, sleep, sex, watch movies.
  • Racontez-nous la meilleure expérience que vous avez jamais eue.
    I would say is enjoying my grandmother until my 30s. She was like my mother and the most important person in my life. Accomplishing her last wishes after her death was my greatest experience in life.
  • Qu'est-ce qui vous distingue de toutes les autres personnes que vous connaissez?
    Hard worker and always looking up and give the world a smile. Although I am going through the worst day possible, I will still smile and make it through the day.
  • Que diriez-vous sont vos plus grands attributs et/ou spécialité/s/?
    Humbleness, empathetic, fairness, loyalty, trust and understanding.
  • Quelle est votre «Niche»?
    My niche would be going an extra mile and finishing your job as best as possible. Any job that I perform complete it in then best way possible.
  • Quelles sont les particularités de votre mode de vie qui fait de vous la personne que vous êtes?
    I was a person who had a routine. Those routines that you will be locked in for years until retirement. Recently I’ve been living my life day by day differently. There’s nothing better than that. Breaking barriers and simply being yourself, being nice and fair is everything that makes me who I am.
  • À quelle fréquence voyagiez-vous? Préférez-vous voyager ou êtes-vous plutôt casanier?
    I travel often. Although this year has been more about discovering myself and staying local. Traveling often expands and captivates moments in life that you will take on with you forever.
  • Quel régime alimentaire et de remise en forme suivez-vous?
    It’s an everyday and hour by the hour decision you make and make for yourself. Instead of grabbing a pink lemonade and candy grab fruits and natural juices. It is a choice many times a day every day of our lives.
  • Que voudriez-vous que vos lecteurs sashent sur vous qui est unique et même un peu personnel?
    I would like my followers to know that I am unique and to have a bit of patience. That every single problem can be solved with communicating well with each other.
  • Qu'est-ce que les autres devraient absolument savoir sur vous?
    What others should definitely know about me is my personality. I am always there to help and find a solution to everyday problem.
  • Qu'est-ce que vous aimez le plus chez vous?
    What I enjoy most about myself is listening well to others. Communicating well with others, being fair and always meeting a middle ground where we are all confortable and satisfied.