Chers visiteurs RentMen, Matty_Matt a choisi de répondre à 16 questions d'entretien qui ont été %si%mises à jour pour la dernière fois le 26 Nov 2021


  • Racontez-nous un peu plus sur vous, si vous devriez choisir quelque chose que vous voudriez que les autres sachent absolument sur vous que serait-elle?
    That I'm pretty good looking, intelligent and kind. I don't like to put people down. I always try and make people feel good about themselves and to help them have fun.
  • Quels sont vos passe-temps, qu'est-ce que vous aimez faire dans votre temps libre?
    I love getting new plants, or maintaining the many that I already have. Spending time with friends, going out and running are also some of my favourite activities.
  • Quel est ‘L'effort Supplémentaire’ que vous faites dans votre vie?
    I always try and help people where I can. Especially when meeting with clients. I want to make people feel desired, wanted and appreciated. If I ever see someone in need of help, I will do my best to assist.
  • Que faites-vous pour vous amuser?
    When I have time, I love spending time with my friends; going out to restaurants, bars and generally enjoying each other's time! A nice glass of wine and a great conversation are two of my favourite things. Aside from that, I love running, getting outside or spending time taking care of my many plants.
  • Racontez-nous la meilleure expérience que vous avez jamais eue.
    I would have to say my experience growing up. To some, it might like people in this line of work choose it because of a bad home life, or desperation but that's not actually true at all. I came from an extremely loving and supportive family, and I'm always thankful that I had such an easy time growing up. I wish everyone could say the same thing, but I'm thankful for the experience in life I have had.
  • Qu'est-ce qui vous distingue de toutes les autres personnes que vous connaissez?
    I love to appear as a "good boy" that likes to look good and tries to help people whenever I can. That being said, I definitely know how to let loose and if you get me alone, I can be pretty naughty.
  • Que diriez-vous sont vos plus grands attributs et/ou spécialité/s/?
    My looks and intelligence! I look much younger than my actual age, but my knowledge about the world and emotional intelligence are slightly beyond my years (in my opinion).
  • Quelle est votre «Niche»?
    My specialty is making people comfortable. It's quite common that clients are nervous when we first meet. I always offer a drink, ask them about their day and get flirty with them. Usually, people start opening up pretty quick and we can head to the bed and get to it ;)
  • À quelle fréquence voyagiez-vous? Préférez-vous voyager ou êtes-vous plutôt casanier?
    I don't travel often, but it's something I would like to do more now that the pandemic is coming to a sizzle. I would definitely describe myself as a homebody, but I love getting out into the world and seeing other places and how people live.
  • Quel régime alimentaire et de remise en forme suivez-vous?
    I work out a few times a week at home. Usually do a full body workout; legs, abs, arms, shoulders and back. I've had personal trainers before and I find that I'm pretty capable at running a good workout on my own with the equipment I have.
  • Quelles sont les particularités de votre mode de vie qui fait de vous la personne que vous êtes?
    I prize intelligence, maintaining a healthy body and healthy relationships. I hate drama and will not hesitate to cut someone off if they're toxic, or vindictive, etc.
  • Que voudriez-vous que vos lecteurs sashent sur vous qui est unique et même un peu personnel?
    I'm on of the few people whose entire family is from Vancouver and has been for a few generations.
    ...That being said, one of my favourite things about living here is how diverse Vancouver is and I love hearing about where other people are from and their experiences :)
  • Si nous nous asseyions sur la plage à boire du vin et à déguster des gourmandises juste toi et moi, que me dirais-tu de toi-même et de ta vie?
    I would probably talk about growing up near Vancouver, my love of cats and a bit about my experiences with other guys. I would probably try and steer the conversation into a sensual one in the hopes of getting you turned on and to open about what makes you happy, sexually.
  • Qu'est-ce que les autres devraient absolument savoir sur vous?
    That I'm not as innocent as I look! I definitely like cultivating the image of a "boy next door", but once you get me alone, I can be a bit mischievous ;)
  • Qu'est-ce que vous aimez le plus chez vous?
    My intelligence... I hate to sound conceited, but I do feel that I'm fairly smart! I almost always have something to contribute about conversations that involve politics, history, geography or science. I love meeting people who are like-minded and enjoy talking about world events.
  • Quelles sont les 5 choses dont vous ne pouvez pas vous passer?
    1. An apartment with no roommates!

    2. My iPhone

    3. A nice view

    4. Sex (of course)

    5. Coffee