Chers visiteurs RentMen, Jayveraxxx a choisi de répondre à 5 questions d'entretien qui ont été %si%mises à jour pour la dernière fois le 02 May 2018


  • Qu'est-ce qui vous distingue de toutes les autres personnes que vous connaissez?
    I would have to say that I am a Very outgoing individual I am an Aries of the firestone, which is also known as the ram,and we are natural born leaders, and in my short life I have learned that it is always best to lead by example, I try to remain optimistic,although I do get frustrated I try to remain in control of my own mind and body at all times and not lose my cool/temper because i beleive life is far too short to be so pessimistic I am by no means necessary perfect but I believe to do onto others as you want to be done to yourself so I try to treat all people Everyone that I would encounter with respect honor and dignity until they prove they're not worthy in that case I would then break their face lol jk
  • Quels sont vos passe-temps, qu'est-ce que vous aimez faire dans votre temps libre?
    My hobbies consist of hiking,kayaking,canoeing,swimming,working out,getting tattoos viewing alternative art and anything that has to do with the outdoors
  • Si nous nous asseyions sur la plage à boire du vin et à déguster des gourmandises juste toi et moi, que me dirais-tu de toi-même et de ta vie?
    Absolutely nothing because that's even too weird for me LOL I keeps it 100
  • Qu'est-ce que les autres devraient absolument savoir sur vous?
    That I'm very humble and honest and straightforward and say what's on my mind and I don't beat around the bush but with that being said I am not the type of person to be judgmental or two put people down for anything nor cast any stones or build any walls occasionally I've been known to bust a joke out lol's
  • Quelles sont les 5 choses dont vous ne pouvez pas vous passer?
    As much as it pains me to say it one would have to be the internet,the ability to make my own decisions, my dog Zeus, stale popcorn because it's the cats ass,and most importantly friendship